Where Do You Get Your Energy From?

Where Do You Get Your Energy From?

Figuring out what energises you can be such an eye-opener!

Last month, I had an amazing but extremely busy week with 4 events: the LeadDev London speaker mixer, then 2 days at the LeadDev London conference, followed by a fourth day of LeadingEng London.

Now I used to consider myself a massive introvert. I’d get so drained from going to events and being around loads of people. I’d get tired from meeting and introducing myself to new people. I’d get frazzled from dealing with loud venues, crowds and the awkwardness of not knowing anyone.

But nowadays I’ve noticed it’s changed for me.

The weekend following that busy week I was physically tired from all the walking, standing, talking, and networking I did in the previous days. I felt like I did so much I needed to let my body rest. My knees and back were hurting from sitting in theatre seating. My voice was hurting from having to talk louder than usual.

But mentally?

I was excited.

I was inspired.

I was energised.

I was eager to apply all the things that I learnt during those few days. I was keen to continue the brilliant conversations I had with folks. I was excited to share more of what I know with others.

That week has only made me want to do more events in the future.

The thing is: what I said above still happens to me. I still get drained from being around loads of people. I still get tired from meeting and introducing myself to new people. I still get frazzled from dealing with loud venues, crowds and the awkwardness of not knowing anyone.

But I’ve learnt how to alternate that with the things that do energise me, the things that energise me in a way that it outweighs the above.

I get energised by catching up with people that I already know.

I get energised by talking about topics that I’m passionate about.

I get energised by finding a quiet spot where I can have a good conversation.

I get energised by helping people and finding out how I’ve helped others.

That week I made sure that I made time for these things.

Rather than go to all the talks, I skipped a couple to catchup with people in a quieter setting.

I did some behind-the-scenes speaker coaching with people who needed some last-minute help.

I had lovely people come up to me thanking me for my past talks, or past LinkedIn posts.

During breaks, I tried to switch between meeting new folks with catching up with friends.

I sought out speakers to tell them how great their talks were and what I learnt from them.

When talking to new people I got to explain what I now do and how excited I am about those things.

Instead of attending the entire networking mixer, I went out for dinner with a small group of people and had some lovely conversations there.

It’s so much more complex than introvert/extrovert. We all have things that drain us and energise us, and we need to carve out time to do things that give us more energy. I don’t know if the above now makes me an introvert or an extrovert. But the labels don’t matter.

Find out what energises you. And make the most out of what life throws your way.

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